Sunday, November 25, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!!!
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I know that this post is a few days late, sorry. I was away for a couple of days visiting my grandmother. It was a great weekend. The boys got to spend time with their great-grandmother and their uncles. I thought that I would share some of my pictures with everyone. This first one is of my boys working on one of the craft packs that made for them. Thanks for the inspiration Amber. They were using the homemade paint sets. I only made a couple to bring along, I learned though that I need to make more for here.

"painting fun"

One of the reasons that the boys love going to Gram's house is that she has one of the most beautiful collie dogs. I got a picture of Gabe pretending to be Sparky. I thought it was cute. The other dog is a new friend for them, It is their uncle's dog, Gypsy. They loved this one because it was small enough for them to handle. So they had alot of fun taking care of the two dogs.

Well this was probably the boys favorite part of the whole weekend. Uncle Alan let them drive his Jeep. Gram lives in a little community so he took them around. He let them sit on his lap and steer. They had so much fun.

After they finished driving, it was time for the mud puddles. Sam walked around in it for a little bit but did not care for it to much so he went inside. Gabe on the other hand, well you can see how he felt about it. He was actually very funny. He looked at me and said "Am I dirty enough for a bath now?" I told him yes. His response was, "Yes, that is what I always wanted!" a very silly kid.

As Gabe was getting cleaned up Sam started playing with his Kepla blocks with uncle Anthony. Then Uncle Alan he needed to show them how it was done. When Gabe finished with his bath all of the guys had joined in. It was ery funny to see them all out there.

Here is a picture of the boys trying to help get the air mattress deflated. I Have never heard so much laughter. It was really a great noise to hear.

Our last night there the boys went up to play a game of pool. Gabe was just a little to small to see over the table and use the stick. So he sat back and Watched. I did get a shot of Sam tacking his turn. Gabe wanted to show what he found . Always curious.
I hope that everyones holiday was wonderful. Now it is time to get ready for the next one. Yikes it is coming up way to soon.

1 comment:

Garden State Kate said...

It looks like you have a nice family to be thankful for!