Saturday, September 08, 2007

Book List #4
Ok so I made my weekly trip to the library today. Well we got a bunch more books. The boys are really getting into the challenge of reading all of the different kinds of books that when we get to the library they are running to the shelves to pick out all of the new ones. We really do get all of the books read during the week to. So it has been alot of fun. I think that it is going so well though that I am going to have to up the amount on our list from 500 to 1000, otherwise we will be done this list way before the school year is up. So here is our latest list--

59.) Atomic Ace (He's Just my Dad) by Jeff Weigel
60.) Sixteen Cows by Lisa Wheeler
61.) Swim for Cover! Adventure on the Coral Reef by Sue Vyner
62.) Chewy Louie by Howie Schneider
63.) The Silence in the Mountains by Liz Rosenberg
64.) Things that I learned in Second Grade by Amy Schwartz
65.) Way Up High in a Tall Green Tree by Jan Peck
66.) AlphaOops! The Day that Z went First by Alethea Kontis
67.) Everybody Makes Mistakes by Christine Kole Maclean
68.) Pet Detectives by Betty Ren Wright
69.) Six Hogs on a Scooter by Eileen Spinelli
70.) ABC POP! by Rachel Isadora
71.) The Popcorn Dragon by Jane Thayer
72.) Shark in the Park by Nick Sharratt
73.) Pizza for the Queen by Nancy Castaldo
74.) Alphabet Adventure by Audrey Wood
75.) Alphabet Mystery by Audrey Wood
76.) An Undone Fairy Tale by Ian Lendler
77.) The Midnight Unicorn by Neil Reed

I hope that everyone stays with us through the year to share in our book adventures. Hopefully we will make it to the new goal of 1000. Something tells me though that I think that we will with ease.

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