Thursday, September 04, 2008

The Mystery

The Mystery of where we have been that is. I can not believe how busy we have been. We are trying to do more activities with the boys, make school more fun. At the same time we have been trying to slow life down a little. We have done some fun activities over the last week. The one at the house that the boys liked the best was the new Wii system that we bought. No pictures of them playing that yet though. An activity that they really enjoyed (And I got a picture of) was the gem hunting kit that we bought. I mean how cute is that little face. He wanted to help his big brother sooo bad. They had such a good time together.
Then over the weekend we picked up or membership to the local zoo. The boys were so excited. Now they have so many different fun educational things to do on the weekend. Some fun Field trips. YAH!!!! These pictures below are from the zoo on their Merry Go Round. I did have a bunch of other photos from the zoo, so many that I put them over on my flickr account. Just click on it in the side bar to see them if you want to. Sam started riding off on the dragon, while Gabe was on the Bald Eagle. The Merry Go Round was actually free on this day so they had a couple of rides.

They decided to switch and try what the other one had. They begged to come back at the end but lightning storms were coming in so they had to shut down for a little bit.
After we left their we decided to go out to eat. Normally I would not share this with you, but it is something you might want to check out. We went to Applebees and all kids meals have now been switched to 1 dollar all the time every day. We are not sure if this is just the one near us or everwhere. It is definetly worth checking out because it saves so much money.


Anonymous said...

It looks like the boys had a fabulous time. I wish we had more fun and educational places to visit where I live (or an Applebees!). We do have a lot of nature though, so I guess that "counts!"

I have been a very bad blog visitor lately, but I just wanted you to know that I find your blog quite inspirational and I enjoy seeing what you and the boys are up to.

I just passed along a blog award to you over at Unplug Your Kids, but I see you already have it!

Anyhow, I do enjoy reading about your activities! Thank you!

Garden State Kate said...

I wish we were closer to things like the zoo,etc, and although we are not "far", with takes too long and I won't go. :-(
I know...bad homeschool Mamma! ;-)
I am going to have to do flicker..I have been having trouble loading up pics to my blog...maybe it will work better. A new computer is just not where I want to spend our money right now.