Sunday, February 24, 2008

We had a nice and busy week. So here are some photos from this week. First we have Gabe working on some of his sensory work. I gave him a bowl of water with some dish soap in it. He took his straw and blew a bunch of bubbles. He had a great time doing this.
While he was doing that Sam was coloring in his pictures of Presidents Washington and Lincoln. The kid was so excited for Presidents day.

Well Sam worked on some measuring for math this week. While he worked on that Gabe worked on some Continent Puzzles. Look a little closer Gabe, I think that one fits. LOL
Gabe got a little tired of walking so he decided to hitch a ride on Sam. Thankfully Sam did not really mind givining him a ride. He even showed his dad later.
This week we started giving tickets to the kids for t.v. time. We were trying to cut back on the time that they watch because they were not getting anything done. They started out pretty good but by midweek they ran out of tickets. So there was no t.v. for a couple days. The boys handled it pretty well, A lot of books were read this week. As you see in the next few pictures every time I turned around they were reading. So I think the new t.v. program was a success.

Gabe is never much for arts and crafts. So when he told me the other night that he wanted to make pictures for us, he was to cute to pass up taking a picture of. I actually like this picture because he looks like he is teaching his little lion at the top of his paper.

These two pictures I got from an idea on Amber's blog. She gave supplies to her kids to do car washes. They looked like they had so much fun that I had try it with my boys. I finally got to it, and of course they loved it. Thanks Amber! They sat at the table for an hour washing as many cars as they could. Gabe's job at the car wash was to dry the cars, I think that he thought his head needed some drying.
When Gabe finished up on the car wash he decided that he needed to play limbo. How low can you go? My boys definetly impress me with their creativity on thingss to do. It is nice that they are getting older and come up with ideas on their own.
We had a new adventure with our flat travler. She went to Sam's favorite place.....the Library. Sam took several pictures of her trying to pick out some books. She was very good at picking out books for him. Now if we could just get her to stop climbing the shelves. LOL.

She picked out wonderful books about space and some history for him. Two of his favorite subjects to study.
We plan on having another adventure with her today.... The nature center. It should be a lot of fun. Make sure to check back for photos of that. Also I will get a new book list up this week and the Unplug your Kids project. The theme for that this week is letters (alphabet) . I hope that everyone has a great weekend.


Garden State Kate said...

What a fun week. I have been working on less tv here too, P acts like she can't give it up, and then doesn't want to watch for

Mrs. Darling said...

Are you going to keep up the ticket idea? I guess they'll learn to save some now! LOl
Looks like a good week.

Rockin' Moroccan Mama said...

Yes we too have to start the ticket idea. I let ds know and he as actually excited about it. Morning came and he asked for his ticket and I have yet to make them. However we have cut down WAY more t.v then he normally watches. I think it is just gradual.