Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Robots and Toothbrushes....

Well we have not been doing much official schooling over the last few weeks. I have been trying to give them ideas to stretch their mind. Here is one of the projects that Sam did.
It is a really cute robot helmet. I also included some shots of each of the boys trying it on.
Then Santa left a new toothbrush for each of the boys in their stocking. It was one of the Toothtunes brushes. Gabe has loved them a little to much. This is pretty much the way he has looked since it came out of the package. It plays the Transformers theme song. Funny kid.

1 comment:

Garden State Kate said...

I almost..I mean Santa almost got one of those for P..but our Target
only had Transformers left, and she was not into it.;-)