Friday, December 26, 2008

Our Christmas Celebration

I hope that everyone had a great Christmas. I thought that I would share some photos from our Christmas with everyone. It was alot of fun for everyone. Our grandmother came and stayed with us for a couple of days and the boys had so much fun sharing all of their new toys and games with her.
On Christmas eve the boys each got to open one gift. They choose the gifts that were from each other.

Gabe got very excited when he saw what Sam got for him. He got the Mach 6 from Speed Racer. For anyone that knows him, knows that is a perfect gift for him.

Gabe showed how well he knew his brother Sam. He got this set of egyptian book ends. Sam loves them and carries them every where.
Like I mentioned earlier our Gram came over for a couple of days. One of her favorite things to do is play skip-bo. She could play this game all of the time. She also got into Sam's new pinball machine. She played for hours. Her top score was 5000 points. The boys even introduced her to the Wii system. It was alot of fun with her.
Sam continued on with our around the world studies and made lamingtons for Santa. He read that is what little kids do in Australia. Of course he had to taste test and make sure it was good and yummy. Which of course it was.
Gabe loved the book Whopper cake and wanted to make it. We decided that would be a good dessert. Instead of topping it off with frosting and ice cream we put cool whip on it. Very yummy that way and not so sweet.

Of course there was much joy and excitment seeing what Santa brought for everyone.
Santa got a King Arthurs castle by megablocks from Santa. This is what the table looked like trying to put it together.Very Crazy and it took about four hours to put it together.
Of course with bumble bee attacking while you are trying to build did not help either. LOL.
We did get it finished though and here is a front view.
And the inside. It even comes with a round table for King Arthur.
I hope that you all had a great holiday!


Mrs. Darling said...

Love that castle. Ive seen something like that at Learning World adn always wondered how hard it would be to put together.

Looks like a fun christmas Day!

Garden State Kate said...

What a fun Christmas!
P was thinking of the boys
as she opened her math games...
"ooh, my Gabe would like this..."
lol I have to remind her she doesn't actually "know" them.
She swears she does!