Thursday, February 26, 2009

Round 2.....

So I will be missing over the next few days as we brace for round two of this wonderful bug that is visiting us. Now it is Sam's turn. Wish us luck.
Update--it is 5:30 in the morning and I am wide awake after only a couple hours of sleep because Dh has been hit with it to. Now lets hope that the odds are in my favor of staying healthy. (doubtful though)


Kari said...

we've had fun with a bug this week as well. I am best friends with vicks and my daughter's feet..the only way to get any rest right now!

Good luck, enjoy the snuggles.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to read that you all are still sick. It really is no fun at all. I hope everyone gets some rest.

Garden State Kate said...

I might as well have mailed my "germie" package to you, since
you are all sick anyway!!!
Feel better soon...((BIG HUGS))

Anonymous said...

I hope everyone is well soon!