Friday, September 11, 2009

A few Labor day shots.

I know that I am a couple days behind on my labor day pictures, sorry. I was told that my neice and nephew are checking for updates everyday. Now I feel like a bad Aunt, So I need to get my butt in gear for them. They need to see their cousins right. After all we live in Florida and they are in New Jersey, not much chance to visit. So this is for you Kristin and David, I hope that you like the pictures.
My handsome guy, he is just growing up so fast.
"I can make it, Just a Little further!"

To much water and sun in the eyes.

"Ahhh relaxing"

"Taa - Daa"
I hope you guys enjoyed the pictures. Make sure to also check out Sams videos of swimming. I hope that you like them. We miss and Love you guys.

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