Thursday, July 16, 2009


Ok I know that most of you saw over on Kate's blog that she got the chance to review, I got the chance too. How great is that. I love giving the kids the oppurtunity to learn through games. I mean who wants to learn using only worksheets, how boring! So when Cherie contacted me offering the chance to review this I thought great the boys are going think I am the best mother ever. hehehe.
Boy was I right the kids are loving the site. Even on our old laptop (which would make the game freeze because it was so old) the kids became infatuated with this game. They even knew that they were learning with it and still wanted to play. As a matter of fact they would say to me can we play, it is a learning game. I mean how can I say no. Well we solved the problem of the computer freezing and bought a new one. Now I am fighting to get time on the computer because the boys are loving it even more. I must admit that I am having fun on it too. There is so much to see and do. The site even has a parents section and a blog too. Check over on my side bar if you want to check out the blog.
Well with the new computer we are able to play games on our CD ROM. The boys have loved the site so much they asked if we could get the games that they have. I thought that this would be great because on the site it ranges from ages 3 to 10, this means that Sam would not be able to play with it much longer because he would not be challenged enough with it. So while out at BJs tonight we found a 4th to 6th grade advanced for him. He is so excited to have it.
All in All Jumpstart has once again had a hit in the learning department. They even amazed me with staff. Cherie worked really hard to get my membership set up for me. Unfortunetly there was something wrong so I could not get into the account at first . When I notified her of this she worked on it and got it fixed right away.
Our family has been really excited to have this oppurtunity to use the site. Jumpstart wants to give your family the chance to experience it too. If you want to get a three month membership leave me a message between now and Thursday. In the message tell me what is your favorite thing to learn with. Feel free to mention this on your blog and link back to give all of your friends a chance too.

1 comment:

AmySue said...

heather! Our favorite thing to learn with is the outdoors..but of course we love our puter time too!!