Thursday, April 10, 2008

I am playing a little bit of catch up on the photos now. Things have been crazy busy around here. I just have not had a whole lot of time to put these up, so they are from the last couple of weeks.
This first on is of Gabe. He really enjoys board games now. He loves to sit and play them with his imaginary friend. He says that she is made out of air. LOL
My big guy, he is growing up so fast. It is hard to believe that he is almost 8. I love watching him learn. He gets so excited that he rarely stays seated. Now if I can actually get him to finish a project that he starts we will be doing good. Any ideas?
Now my little guy with his developmental issues is hard to stay in one spot on doing his work. If he does not like what he is doing it becomes even more of a challenge to get it done. I finally found with him though if I have him stand at the Kitchen counter he will actually do the work with out a fight. WOOOHOOOO!!! A solution that I can use. That is since I end up spending most of the day in the kitchen anyways. I can my work done and do school work with him.
Gabe for sensory work the other day played with his playdough. We are in spring and decided that he needs to make a snowman. LoL I guess that has to do with living in South Florida he has no clue when snowman are actually around.
Well this picture is for you Kate. See Gabe is upside down and smiling. This is a picture that they made together and I asked Gabe to stand next to Sam so I could take the picture. He decided that he needed to lay down. Silly boy. The picture is their "Great Barrier Reef" since we are studdying Australia. It was great Sam went through the book on the Great Barrier Reef and was learning so much about the creatures that live there. I love homeschooling. I mean an art project took on a whole new life it was great.

These two are of my silly boys deciding that they need to be like their Daddy. They wanted to see what they looked like in his paints. Such cuties they are. Their dad is really tall so the pants were really long on them.

Sam was cleaning up his desk the other day and Gabe really wanted to help. Cleaning up his desk is really only a one person job, so instead of telling him that he got creative. Sam put his art box on the floor and had Gabe organize that. Gabe was so happy to have such a special job. It was wonderful to see him come up with a solution on his own.
Here is a couple of the art projects that Sam has done for Australia. The first one is of the X-ray art. It was a type that Aboriginals would do. The second one also done by aboriginals is called bark art. In our case we took some cardboard instead of the bark. Sam covered it with his oil pastels in all different colors. Then he painted over it in black paint. Once he was done that he scratched a picture into it so the oil pastels showed through.

Even though Gabe does not look so happy I still had to share a picture of them doing their favorite thing. Reading.
Well that is it for now, have a great day!


Garden State Kate said...

LOL! I love it!!
They are such cuties!!
Great projects by the way.

Mrs. Darling said...

I love seeing photos of how people homeschool and their projects. Loved this!

Rockin' Moroccan Mama said...

Funny photos. you can realyy "see" their personalities through the photos. great projects.