A Isn't for FOX ... An Isn't Alphabet by Wendy Ulmer. I loved this book. The pictures in it were wonderful. I really liked the whole idea behind because Gabe is this way. He is always telling us that words start with letters that are not correct. It was really a good book to read with him.
When Dinosaurs came with everyhting by Elise Broach. What a cute book. The boy that is telling the story has to go do errands with his mom, so boring to him. Well this one day turn exciting for him. Everything they get comes with dinosaurs, real life ones. Buy a dozen donuts get a free dinosaur, that kind of thing. Well he loves it, but mom not so much. See if by the end she just gets rid of them or comes around and enjoys them to. A definate favorite in our house.
The Wee Little Women by Byron Barton. This book was not so good in our house. We felt that the pictures were not so good and that the story was lacking. It was wee little this and wee little that through the whole book. Really kind of boring.
The Perfect Tail by Mie Araki. I have to be honest at first I did not know wether or not I was going to like this at first read. As it got going though I really enjoyed it. It gave a really good lesson to the kids. You may see something on someone else that you like but be happy with who you are. That is always a good message in my book.
Jitterbug Jam by Barbara Jean Hicks and Alexis Deacon. This book was cute. It had really good pictures to it. The little boy is scared of a monster under his bed. One with pink skin and orange fur on his head. He has a talk with his grandpa and learns a few things. Check out what happens.
Your comments about A is for Fox reminded me of the song from the Barenaked Ladies kids' album - the song is called "Crazy ABCs" and starts out with "A is for aisle" - technically they're all correct, but it's not what you hear! JediBoy loves the song. :)
When Dinosaurs Came with Everything looks interesting. I love David Small's illustrations.
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